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v1.0.60 March 18, 2021

  • Updated: Minimum required PHP version is now set to 7.2. Even though the EOL is reached for PHP 7.2 as well. In a few months, we will not support any PHP version that has run out of its EOL cycle. Not only it’s a security risk, but it also affects performance.
  • Improved: Analytics module now shows the latest position for keywords and posts instead of the average position for a selected timeframe. You should see better stats overall in the plugin now
  • Improved: Calculation method for the difference of keywords and posts positions is updated to reflect more meaningful data
  • Improved: Formulas to calculate the total number of keywords for which a site is ranking currently
  • Improved: Smallest keyword position will now represent the post position out of all keywords for which that post is ranking
  • Improved: Keyword position’s bar graph and filters related to it now show accurate keywords count
  • Improved: Removed noindex posts from the Analytics reporting for a better understanding of the overall SEO of a site
  • Improved: Remove all the Schema entities from the post where Schema was not selected
  • Fixed: Active tab gets deselected in the Analytics pages when pagination is used
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with the Flatsome theme causing issues on some installations
  • Fixed: Every WooCommerce product gallery’s images were adding as different og:image tags
  • Fixed: A fatal error in the Sitemap when the timezone was set to UTC-1
  • Fixed: Styling issue in the “Mark page as” option of the admin bar
  • Fixed: SEO score was changing back to a lower score in the Elementor editor after reloading the page

v1.0.59.1 March 12, 2021

  • Fixed: Invalid link attributions after selecting sponsored & nofollow options
  • Fixed: Unable to change the “Unpublish When Expired” option’s value from No to Yes without changing any other field in the JobPosting Schema
  • Fixed: Schema shortcode showing data in the wrong place

v1.0.59 March 8, 2021

  • Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7+ by disabling the max-image-preview meta tag added by the core because Rank Math already has the advanced options related to it
  • Improved: Inverted Y-Axis in all the position graphs of the Analytics module to make the graphs more accurate
  • Improved: Replaced Cache-Control: One year header from the XML Sitemap files to Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
  • Improved: Added active modules list to the system status page
  • Improved: Removed excess whitespace from the Schema values when the variable was returning an empty value
  • Improved: Excluded Facebook’s pixel image from the Image ALT test of SEO Analysis
  • Removed: Unnecessary debugging data from the system status tab to improve the performance
  • Fixed: Install Analytics Code option was not working with the Firefox & the Brave browser
  • Fixed: Video Schema shortcode was not outputting any data
  • Fixed: Option to delete Recipe Instructions text was missing
  • Fixed: Wrong category hierarchy in WooCommerce’s Product Schema
  • Fixed: “Unpublish When Expired” option was not working in the JobPosting Schema
  • Fixed: Unable to choose a category for the “Brand” value for WooCommerce Product Schema
  • Fixed: A bug that was stripping out empty data-attributes from the content links
  • Fixed: A conflict with the FDP plugin and possibly others
  • Fixed: Conflict with the other plugins if access_token URL param was used in them
  • Fixed: Enabling Remove Category Base option was generating 404 pages on some installations
  • Fixed: Browser console was showing a 400 Bad Request when saving the general settings
  • Fixed: After connecting the Rank Math’s account, the page was getting redirected to the wrong page on a Multisite
  • Fixed: Fallback redirection to home or URL was deactivating the WordPress’s default redirection to login and dashboard pages
  • Fixed: KML XSL file fails to load when special characters were used in the Business name
  • Fixed: A JS error on some admin pages

v1.0.58 February 17, 2021

  • Improved: The Local SEO is much better with the Rank Math SEO plugin than ever
  • Improved: Query related to page search in the About & Contact page options of local SEO settings
  • Improved: Create tables related to different modules only if those modules are activated. This improves the speed of the plugin further
  • Improved: Updated CMB2 library to keep it updated to the latest version
  • Improved: The overall speed and security of the plugin
  • Fixed: “Exclude Logged in Users” option was not working in the Analytics module
  • Fixed: Missing telephone & image data for the Attorney Schema
  • Fixed: Few Business types in the Local Schema were showing invalid hasMap & geo attributes
  • Fixed: A PHP error related to analytics table after opening the analytics settings
  • Fixed: A fatal error happening on some installations when the site was updating from Rank Math v1.0.48 or less
  • Fixed: CLI command to generate the Sitemap in PHP 8 was not working

v1.0.57.1 February 5, 2021

  • Fixed: FAQ Schema markup showing error if HTML tags are used in the answer area
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