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v1.0.54.2 December 12, 2020

  • Fixed: Missing SEO tests in the Firefox & IE for the WordPress 5.6
  • Fixed: Disabled Sitemaps were showing a content error instead of showing 404 page
  • Fixed: Recipe Schema shortcode was not showing the Recipe Instructions
  • Fixed: PHP Notice appearing on the checkout page for some installations
  • Removed: Plugin deactivation Survey and code related to it

v1.0.54.1 December 9, 2020

  • Improved: The overall data fetching process of the Analytics module from Google
  • Improved: Importing the top 1,000 keywords in the Analytics from Google
  • Fixed: The Classic Editor was not working properly on the installations where the PHP 7.2 or lower was used. Please update to at least PHP 7.4 for better security and speed
  • Fixed: Multiple reconnect notices were showing on some installations

v1.0.54 December 8, 2020

  • Added: Now Analytics shows Keywords even with the 0 clicks, this will help to show accurate CTR and Total Keyword count
  • Added: Show reconnect notice if the Google refresh token is missing
  • Improved: ‘Re-create Missing Database Tables’ tool now checks all the required tables for Rank Math
  • Improved: Keep only connected Google Accounts in the database
  • Improved: Minor UI changes
  • Fixed: PHP error in the frontend if the incorrect duration was used in the Video Schema
  • Fixed: Google preview for the WooCommerce product was not showing the Schema data
  • Fixed: Enable/Disable Date Archive Option was reverted
  • Fixed: Content Analysis was not working in the Classic Editor’s text mode
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with the WP Parsi Date plugin
  • Fixed: Wrong Total redirection count when the number was greater than 999

v1.0.53.1 November 29, 2020

  • Improved: Made plugin compatible with the PHP 8.0
  • Improved: Plugin’s plan handling that was causing a conflict with the Analytics module as well
  • Fixed: Focus Keyword field background color in the Elementor Editor’s light theme

v1.0.53 November 27, 2020

  • Improved: Google Access token for the Analytics Module refreshes only when the data fetching is done via a cron job
  • Improved: Restrict Schema output on password-protected pages
  • Improved: Moved the URL field in the desktop preview area to appear before the title
  • Improved: Clicking the preview area in the Classic Editor now opens the meta editor
  • Fixed: Modules page was not getting translated completely
  • Fixed: Import tool was not importing the taxonomy metadata from the AIO SEO Pro plugin
  • Fixed: SERP Preview was showing the wrong permalink for the secondary language category pages of WPML plugin
  • Fixed: Redirections were not working for the secondary language of WPML plugin
  • Removed: ‘Head, Footer and Post Injections’ plugin from the conflicting plugin lists
  • Removed: Site Kit’s developer ID from the GA tracking code as it was not required
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