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v1.0.52.3 November 20, 2020

  • Added: New tools are added for better debugging in the Rank Math status & tools section
  • Improved: Sitemaps won’t throw a 404 error when there are no links inside them
  • Improved: WooCommerce Product Schema will now add the rating value only if the value is greater than 0
  • Fixed: Global WooCommerce Product Schema was not getting applied to the older posts
  • Fixed: Country selection was not working for the Google services
  • Fixed: Validating the ISO 8601 duration before converting it to seconds for the Video Schema
  • Fixed: Recipe Instructions data was not getting ported over to the new Graph Schema. Affected users are requested to run the Schema Converter from the Database tools section

v1.0.52.1 November 9, 2020

  • Squashed a couple of small issues

v1.0.52 November 9, 2020

  • Added: External icon in the Help & Support sidebar menu to Rank Math’s KB
  • Improved: CSS related to the block editor’s sidebar tabs and Analytics
  • Improved: Frontend score styling
  • Fixed: Analytics disconnection issue happening on some servers
  • Fixed: A bug causing discrepancies in Clicks, Impressions, CTR and Position in the Analytics module
  • Fixed: ‘Getting Invalid argument supplied for foreach’ error on posts using old Schema format
  • Fixed: A Syntax error in PHP 7.2
  • Removed: Excerpt from the dashboard widget’s blog posts section

v1.0.51 November 2, 2020

  • Improved: Dashboard widget completely revamped. Better stats are shown in the Rank Math widget (https://i.rankmath.com/ZwPDM6)
  • Improved: Responsiveness of the Analytics pages. Now you can check your website stats on the mobile devices
  • Improved: Replaced all the textarea fields in the Schema templates with the input field
  • Improved: Changed ‘Open Days’ field from multiselect to checkbox in the Restaurant Schema to improve the usability
  • Fixed: Default Article Schema type was not added in the old posts on some installations
  • Updated: Improved the comments on the files where the code was adapted from Yoast, as suggested by Joost de Valk
  • Fixed: rank_math_rich_snippet Shortcode was not working with all the Schema types
  • Fixed: Missing Logo Field error on the AMP pages when the Local SEO Module was disabled
  • Fixed: Styling issues related to Gutenberg v9.2.2

v1.0.50.1 October 22, 2020

  • Fixed: ‘Add Image’ button was not working in the Social tab
  • Fixed: Typo in the Restaurant schema type
  • Fixed: Old EDD product schema converting to the WooCommerce Product Schema; this will not affect the frontend output
  • Fixed: Product schema was set on the newly created WooCommerce products instead of WooCommerce Product Schema
  • Fixed: Already reviewed checkbox was not working in the Elementor Modal’s Ask review tab
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