🎉 Celebrating 3 Million+ Users!


v1.0.88 May 4, 2022

  • Added: [HUGE!] Rank Math now supports Google Analytics 4
  • Added: Option to create GA4 property with one click
  • Added: New option in Database Tools to match the collations of all Analytics tables
  • Fixed: Content AI was not working on secondary language posts created using the WPML plugin
  • Fixed: Search form on the Settings page was showing irrelevant items in the dropdown
  • Fixed: Both index & noindex options could be selected in the Date Archive Robots settings
  • Fixed: Dashboard widget was showing 403 error to the Shop Manager user role
  • Fixed: Dashboard widget was showing an error when the site couldn’t load the Blog posts from rankmath.com/blog/
  • Fixed: "Exclude this attachment from the Sitemap" option on the attachment details popup was showing to all the users
  • Fixed: Content Analysis was also analyzing the global Header & Footer content added in the Divi’s Theme Builder
  • Fixed: On Divi’s frontend editor, the SEO modal was getting closed after clicking on the Schema generator button
  • Fixed: In Easy Mode, Instant Indexing settings were linked to the wrong page
  • Fixed: Update data manually option was not working well on some setups in the Analytics Module
  • Fixed: Invalid %searchphrase% variable was used as a default value on the Search page

v1.0.87 April 12, 2022

v1.0.86 April 7, 2022

  • Added: [NEW!] Introducing Stats Bar. Now, you can view Analytics stats on the frontend
  • Improved: Optimized the Redirection queries for better performance
  • Fixed: PHP warnings on some setups when Admin Menu Bar was enabled
  • Fixed: Remove Product Base option was not working well on auto-translated secondary languages products created using WPML
  • Fixed: Duplicate sitemap was getting generated. Now, this duplicate sitemap page will redirect to the main sitemap
  • Fixed: Content AI Media count was showing different counts in different editors
  • Fixed: Content AI was not detecting the videos added using the Elementor’s Video widget
  • Fixed: Content AI was not detecting the iframe videos
  • Fixed: Average position in Analytics page was showing the wrong color

v1.0.85.1 March 23, 2022

  • Fixed: Trailing slashes were automatically added to Source URL when creating a new Redirection rule
🇺🇸 English