🎉 Celebrating 3 Million+ Users!


v1.0.63 huhtikuu 28, 2021

v1.0.62 huhtikuu 14, 2021

  • Added: Alt text as a caption property in the Primary Image, Logo, and Author Image Schema entities
  • Added: Description property in the Author Schema entity
  • Lisätty: async loading for the Google Analytics tracking script
  • Added: Filter to add Analytics stats of different language posts into the main post, examples abc.com/en/ or abc.com/es/. Note: Support needs to be added by translation plugins
  • Improved: Primary image and Author image uses image URL as an ID in the Schema Markup
  • Improved: Add Paikka entity in the Schema markup only when address is added in the Paikallinen SEO asetukset
  • Improved: Show Database Tools only if the related module is enabled
  • Korjattu: Analytics stats were not changing on some pages after changing the timeframe
  • Korjattu: Undefined index: logo error if the logo was not set in the Titles & Meta settings
  • Fixed: Google Search Console table creation issue with the MySQL 8.0
  • Korjattu: Breadcrumbs Schema was not showing on the Product category/tag archive pages
  • Fixed: Missing backgrounds in some of the tabs of Elementor SEO
  • Fixed: Custom field analysis was not working when the Divi theme was active
  • Fixed: Open Graph image “Icon Overlay” feature was not working

v1.0.61.1 huhtikuu 3, 2021

  • Fixed: Link modal freezes when trying to add a link in the Relation field of ACF
  • Fixed: Optimized one Analytics query, which was causing high CPU usage on some setups from the last update
  • Fixed: Wrong closing H4 tag in the shortcode

v1.0.61 huhtikuu 1, 2021

  • Added: [NEW!] Post author schema property prints gravatar, social profile URLs(sameAs), author archive URL(if enabled), and worksFor attribute
  • Added: [NEW!] Focus keywords as keywords attribute in the Artikkeli-schema output
  • Added: Video duration data in the Resepti-schema output
  • Added: Width and height data in the ImageObject Schema property
  • Improved: Feedback Messages related to the Rank Math’s Database tools
  • Improved: Avoid saving General settings after hitting the enter button while editing any text field
  • Improved: Browser title for the KML file in the sitemap
  • Improved: Replaced deprecated Javascript functions
  • Fixed: PHP notices showing right after installation on some installations
  • Fixed: Dashboard widget was throwing PHP errors sometimes due to cache clearing issue
  • Fixed: Rebuild Analytics Index tool was not indexing all available posts/pages
  • Korjattu: rankmath_google_api_failed_attempts_data option was becoming too large on some websites
  • Korjattu: Star Rating was not showing correctly on the frontend if a maximum value was more than 5
  • Fixed: Settings tab were hidden for a post type that has the word ‘Notice’ in its name
  • Fixed: Remove Data fetch scheduled actions if Analytics Module is disabled
  • Korjattu: Sivustokartat were not working with the plain permalinks
  • Fixed: Sitemap was not updating when Scheduled posts were published
  • Fixed: Analytics Dashboard page was not loading due to console error on some setups
  • Korjattu: Puuttuu schema markup code on the Static Homepage
  • Fixed: Analytics Graphs were showing wrong data when the “7 Days” timeframe was Selected
  • Fixed: An error appearing in the PHP 8.0
  • Fixed: Title attribute was getting added after the ending slash in img tag

v1.0.60.1 maaliskuu 21, 2021

  • Fixed: Fatal PHP Error after updating the plugin where very old PRO version is present
🇫🇮 Suomi