🎉 Celebrating 3 Million+ Users!


v1.0.85 maaliskuu 23, 2022

  • Added: Search field for in the property selection dropdown present in the Analytics Module settings
  • Improved: Increased the width of tables present on the Analytics Pages
  • Improved: Added condition to validate the date before adding it to article:published_time & article:modified_time tags
  • Updated: CTR calculation formula to show more accurate values in the Analytics Module
  • Korjattu: SEO-analyysi was not working on some setups
  • Korjattu: SEO score was crossing 100 value on some setups
  • Fixed: Trailing slash was getting stripped from the Source URL when setting a Redirection
  • Korjattu: SERP preview in Divi editor was not showing the parent page in the permalink
  • Korjattu: Auto Post Redirection was not working on Product Category pages when the WPML plugin is active
  • Korjattu: Rest of the Keywords was not showing any data when keywords had Multibyte characters
  • Fixed: Links inserted from Link Suggestion were getting inserted to the wrong location in the Block editor
  • Korjattu: Index Status was showing wrong pagination count when entries were not present in the rank_math_analytics_objects table
  • Fixed: Non-existent sitemap pages were showing a blank sitemap instead of a 404 error, props to @Roger_Montti
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with the Blocksy theme

v1.0.84 maaliskuu 9, 2022

  • Added: [HUGE!] Google URL Inspection API Integration in our Analytics Module, now you can see current Index Staus, Earned Rich Results, Errors & Warnings from Google directly in your WordPress backend!
  • Parantunut: Keyword in URL test now detects the Focus Keyword in the parent page slug and domain name
  • Improved: Made several code improvements
  • Korjattu: 404 näyttö was not working on the Full Site Editing sites
  • Korjattu: Thumbnail Overlay option was not working on some setups
  • Fixed: SEO data was not updating in the Divi Page Builder’s editor on the sub-folder installation
  • Korjattu: SERP Preview was showing text from the commented code
  • Fixed: The Aloituspäivämäärä field in Event schema was not accepting the variables
  • Korjattu: Content AI style on RTL sites

v1.0.83 helmikuu 23, 2022

  • Added: New test in the Content Analysis to check if the Content AI is used or not
  • Improved: Replaced tooltip toggle of each Content Analysis test with the respective KB article for better contextual help
  • Fixed: Some Content Analysis tests were getting hidden on posts with a Russian focus keyword
  • Korjattu: External and Internal link tests were not working well on some sites with the Russian language
  • Korjattu: Image Overlay feature was not working on some setups
  • Korjattu: Export Redirections to .htaccess/nginx was only exporting 1000 URLs
  • Fixed: Content AI’s media count test was not updating instantly after adding a Featured Image in the Classic editor

v1.0.82.1 helmikuu 11, 2022

  • Fixed: WooCommerce Variable products with the query string in URL were not working well when the Remove Product Base option was enabled

v1.0.82 helmikuu 9, 2022

  • Lisätty: New options to debug the IndexNow API related issues
  • Added: Support for Cyrillic characters in the Content Analysis, now languages like Russian are supported
  • Added: Support for ImageMagick extension
  • Lisätty: Uusi suodatin to change the Sitemap caching method
  • Improved: Made several significant code improvements in the Analytics Module that have made the plugin even FASTER and lighter
  • Improved: Made several improvements in Content AI to make it easy to understand
  • Improved: Plugin performance by removing duplicate queries
  • Improved: Don’t submit noindex posts to the IndexNow API after updating the post
  • Improved: Warning shown below the Thumbnail Overlay field
  • Fixed: JS errors in Gutenberg editor after disabling the PRO version
  • Fixed: Content analysis was not analyzing the main post content on the pages that were using Divi’s dynamic Header & Footer templates
  • Fixed: PHP warning on Divi’s frontend editor when WP File Manager plugin was active
  • Fixed: Searching for encoded 404 URLs ei toiminut
  • Fixed: Too many redirections error on some setups when Remove Product Base option was enabled
  • Fixed: Editing a Focus Keyword was not working
  • Fixed: Content AI’s Recommended keywords were not detecting accented characters in the Content area
  • Fixed: SEO panel was getting closed after removing the Focus keyword in the Divi Page Builder
  • Korjattu: Slack sharing was showing the wrong product price for the Product variant
  • Fixed: PHP errors on some sites
  • Poistettu: Alexa Verification field from the General Settings as it is no longer used
🇫🇮 Suomi