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Schema Knowledge Base Articles

How to Earn Star Ratings in SERPs by Using Schema Markup With Rank Math?

Have you ever come across a Star Rating on search engines like Google that immediately drives all your attention? If...

How to Use Product Schema for Easy Digital Downloads Products

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a popular WordPress e-commerce plugin that allows you to sell digital products via a WordPress...

How to Auto-Detect & Auto-Fetch Video Data for Video Schema and Sitemap

Rank Math PRO can automatically detect videos inside your content and fetch the video data. You can use this fetched...

ItemList Schema

In this knowledgebase article, we will discuss ItemList Schema type in detail and how you can use it on your...

Q&A Page Schema for bbPress

Q&A pages are web pages that contain data in a question and answer format, which is one question followed by...

How to Use Product Schema for WooCommerce Products

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through how to use the Product Schema type on products you create using WooCommerce...

About and Mentions Schema

We add structured data to a website so that search engines can understand the website’s content better. And adding About...

Video Schema Type

Searchers turn to Google Search on a daily basis to discover and watch videos. And although Google tries to automatically...

HowTo Schema Type

HowTo Schema Type is a markup that is used to express how-to instructions. It enables users to mark up content...

Software Schema Type

If your site has content in the form of posts or pages about software applications, we recommend using the Software...

Service Schema Type

If you have pages on your website dedicated to specific services, such as a home cleaning service, repairs & replacements,...

Restaurant Schema Type

With the help of the Restaurant Schema type, you can provide information such as the name & address of the...

Recipe Schema Type

If you publish recipes on your website, you can help searchers find your content by using structured data – in...

Product Schema Type

If you run an eCommerce store – you can start reaping the benefits of the Product Schema type and keep up...

Person Schema Type

If you have posts or pages with content about a Person on your website – alive, dead, undead, or fictional –...