Improved: The auto-update will not be disabled when installing the latest version using the Rollback feature
Improved: The Bing Indexing API notices won’t be showing up several times anymore
Improved: The primary category UI was showing in the Classic Editor, even if the option was disabled
Improved: Styling in the top admin bar is improved for the dropdown’s options
Poistettu: Ei mitään option from the product’s availability dropdown
Korjattu: %term_description% was not working in the preview area of the taxonomy pages (categories & tags). Nothing was impacted on the frontend to the search engines
Fixed: On multisite, the Rank Math SEO tab in the Elementor plugin was not showing unless the plugin was activated network-wide
Fixed: A PHP warning with the Bing Instant Indexing module
Fixed: Several small issues and improve the overall code of the plugin
v1.0.56.1 tammikuu 8, 2021
Added: A badge with New text will appear on the blog articles in the dashboard’s widget
Fixed: A PHP notice in the errorlog when an incorrect key was entered in the Bing Instant Indexing API field
v1.0.56 tammikuu 8, 2021
Added: [HUGE!] Instant Indexing for Bing! You can enable it from WP Dashboard > Rank Math > Dashboard > Instant Indexing Module
Added: [HUGE!] Revamped Analytics Module functionality. All small (and big) issues like data importing, data mismatch, data importing, etc., are sorted. Please delete the old data and start a fresh data fetch by following this guide
Added: [NEW!] Improved Y-Axis behavior for all the Analytics graphs when 2 or more filters are selected. You should see much better graphs in the Analytics module
Added: Special Open Graph tags for the Video, Product & Local Schema types
Improved: Made Schema generaattori modal’s footer sticky, so they are visible all the time. If you have not tried the new Schema generaattori, then you must, to get a competitive advantage over your competitors
Improved: All the filters are now selected by default in the Analytics graphs to give a better overview