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v1.0.98 September 22, 2022

  • Added: New option into the Recalculate the SEO score tool to include/exclude posts that already have an SEO score
  • Added: New property articleSection in the Article Schema
  • Added: New constant RANK_MATH_REGISTRATION_SKIP to skip the invalid registration check for developers
  • Improved: Knowledge Base link management code in the plugin
  • Improved: Grouped all scheduled actions used in the plugin with the name rank-math
  • Improved: Several small UI changes
  • Fixed: Action Schedular notice appearing on some setups
  • Fixed: Tool to Recalculate the SEO score was not working well with focus keywords containing diacritics
  • Fixed: Link to the Help page was broken in the Setup Wizard
  • Fixed: Disabling Email reports from Setup Wizard was not working
  • Fixed: Analytics Dashboard tab was showing an active state even after selecting other tab
  • Fixed: Site Analytics page was crashing on some setups when PRO plugin is not active

v1.0.97 September 14, 2022

  • Added: [NEW!] Tool to Recalculate the SEO scores
  • Improved: Use SEO Title & SEO Description in the WooCommerce Product Schema instead of Product title & description
  • Improved: Toggle buttons UI on the Version Control page
  • Fixed: Index Status was not working well on the WordPress installed in a subdirectory
  • Fixed: Emojis were getting removed from the SEO description at the time of updating the description using the Bulk Edit option
  • Fixed: %%category_description%% variable was not getting imported from the Yoast plugin

v1.0.96 August 24, 2022

  • Improved: Open Graph image generation code to execute faster on the front-end
  • Improved: File structure by moving page builder-related assets to their respective folders
  • Fixed: All Redirection rules were not getting exported to the .htaccess & Nginx .conf file
  • Fixed: Local SEO Sitemap was showing the wrong date format on non-English sites
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with the Oxygen plugin

v1.0.95.1 August 12, 2022

  • Fixed: Public REST endpoints blocked via .htaccess file were accessible through Headless endpoint, when that option was active (props to Yeraisci

v1.0.95 August 11, 2022

  • Added: Site logo is now used as a fallback when the logo is not added in the Local SEO settings
  • Added: The contentUrl property in ImageObject
  • Added: New filter to disable the Focus keyword auto-suggestion
  • Improved: SEO Analysis will now include only the post types where the Rank Math metabox is enabled
  • Improved: CPT name will now be used in the Breadcrumb instead of Post type’s Singular name
  • Fixed: Content AI test was not recognizing the uppercase keywords in the content
  • Fixed: Dependent Modules were not getting deactivated after deactivating the main module
  • Fixed: Links Per Sitemap option was not working properly on some setups
  • Fixed: URL Inspection API was not working on some sites where the site locale didn’t match with the language code required by the URL Inspection API
  • Fixed: PHP warning on BuddyPress Members page when Schema module is active
🇺🇸 English