Improved: [HUGE!] Made more huge code improvements that have made the plugin even FASTER. Also, reduced the number of queries related to Rank Math on the Homepage and the Archive pages to improve performance further. Rank Math is indeed one of the FASTEST SEO PLUGINS
Improved: Even if you add regular video link of supported video services in the Embed field, Rank Math SEO will automatically convert that link into Embed URL and automatically fetch the data
Added: Support for Clip markup in the Video Schema
Added: The auto-detect Video feature now also adds the Video Title & Description automatically
Improved: After adding a video in the content and updating the post, Video Schema will now appear in the Schema tab of Rank Math without reloading the page
Improved: Description of Video Schema fields
Improved: Auto-Generated Video Schema now appears in the Schema tab after updating the post/page without reloading the post/page
Improved: Cookieless Analytics tracking feature on cached pages by improving the hashing formula