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v1.0.81.1 January 27, 2022

  • Fixed: Variable dropdown was not working with the WordPress v5.9
  • Fixed: SEO Panel was not appearing on Divi’s frontend editor for WordPress v5.9
  • Fixed: PHP warnings for various non-arrays on some setups
  • Fixed: Wrong changelog link in the Update email

v1.0.81 January 26, 2022

  • Added: [HUGE!] Introducing IndexNow integration. We have replaced the old Bing Instant Indexing API with the latest IndexNow API. This new API also supports Yandex
  • Added: Submission Log in the Instant Indexing Settings page to monitor last 100 submissions and removed regular submission notifications
  • Improved: Converted Dashboard widget from PHP to React, around 20% performance improvements
  • Improved: Content AI recommendation algorithm
  • Improved: Added range value in the Recommended Section of Content AI to make it is easy to understand
  • Improved: You can now use WebP image format for Twitter Open Graph
  • Improved: Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Fixed: Bulk URL submission to Bing was not working from the Post list page
  • Fixed: Secondary language Product pages created using TranslatePress plugin were not working well when Remove Product Base option was enabled
  • Fixed: Added a condition to add article:modified_time & og:updated_time only when the post modified time is greater than the published time
  • Fixed: Length indicator was not working on the Attachment pages
  • Fixed: Slack sharing was showing in Author settings even when Author archive pages were disabled
  • Fixed: PHP error in the Dashboard widget on some setups
  • Fixed: Missing Logo error in AMP on Web Stories posts. The priority is now given to the logo added in the Web Stories settings
  • Fixed: Importing settings was not working on some setups where the .txt file upload was not permitted for the security reasons
  • Fixed: Single Post Redirection option was getting enabled after changing the post slug. This was happening when Auto Post Redirect option was enabled in the General Settings

v1.0.80 January 5, 2022

  • Improved: [HUGE!] Made several significant code improvements that have made the plugin even FASTER. Now, the plugin folder is lighter than 450 KB
  • Added: Slack sharing option in all the post types
  • Fixed: Slack item number tag was not showing on the custom taxonomies
  • Fixed: Missing article:published_time & article:modified_time tags on posts using default Article Schema from Titles & Meta settings
  • Fixed: Article Schema was not showing the default Heading & Description value from the general settings on the new posts
  • Fixed: External link tests was not working properly when NoFollow External links option was enabled
  • Fixed: #current_year variable was not getting imported from the AIO SEO plugin
  • Fixed: PHP notice on archive pages

v1.0.79 December 22, 2021

  • Added: [HUGE!] Enhanced Sharing on Slack
  • Improved: Renamed Exclude this Image from sitemap label to make it more contextualized
  • Fixed: PHP warning when using the rank_math_contact_info shortcode
  • Fixed: Thumbnail Overlay was not working on the server where allow_url_fopen is not enabled
  • Fixed: SEO data was not updating on Classic editor when the Enter key is used to submit the form
  • Fixed: Saving a page with Firefox using Divi Backend editor was showing an error on some setups
  • Fixed: Editing a product made with Divi Backend editor was showing a popup
  • Fixed: Product short description was not updating after editing a product using Divi Backend editor
  • Fixed: Deleting Focus keyword was not working after the last update

v1.0.78 December 8, 2021

🇺🇸 English