Opgelost: PHP-fout ingeschakeld Omleidingspagina when the site uses ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode
Vast: Analytics issue on sub-directory WordPress setup
v1.0.203 5 oktober 2023
Toegevoegd: Nieuw filter to allow editing Robots.txt & htaccess data even when the DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT constant is set to true
Verbeterd: Er zijn verschillende verbeteringen aangebracht aan de Analysemodule
Improved: New parameter is added to the Redirection query string filter to enable/disable appending query string based on the Redirection URL.
Opgelost: gepagineerd Sitemaps will now be created only when they have entries
Fixed: SEO Score calculated using Update SEO Scores tool now matches the SEO Score on the post editor when the %keywords% variable is used in the SEO Title
Fixed: Language setting was not being used for the Command Center options, resulting in the output being generated in an incorrect language
v1.0.202 21 september 2023
Toegevoegd: Ondersteuning voor UK Englishtaal in Content AI