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Installing Rank Math on a Multisite Environment

In this knowledgebase article, we’re going to walk you through how to install Rank Math in your multisite environment.

WordPress Multisite is a way of adding multiple sites to an existing or newly-created WordPress site. It allows you to create and manage an environment of multiple websites from a single WordPress dashboard. With WordPress Multisite’s help, you can easily make changes and keep all your sites updated from a single place.

You can create a multisite network for yourself that only you have access to. Or you could add other users who can create their own sites inside your network and limit them from accessing more powerful WordPress features.

For example, a multisite is used in the education stream to create a blog or general website for individual departments or courses. Bloggers can post blog posts on their own sites, but only the multisite owner, called ‘super admin,’ can install plugins or make other changes across the site. Each sub-site can use its blog to set up an online hub to initiate engaging discussions and create a community sense.

Google considers subdomains completely separate from the main website even though they’re interrelated. Subdirectories are considered part of the main domain but not the subdomains.

 We’ve listed some best practices that might help the subdomain as well as the main domain in increasing the chances of ranking the content:

  • Interlink the main site and the subdomain whenever relevant.
  • Register both the sub-domain and main domain in Google Search Console.
  • Perform all the best SEO practices on both.

Also, you must register the main site and all the subdomains to the Google Search Console separately.

Let us now discuss how to install Rank Math’s free version on site-wide and on sub-site of a multisite environment.

Note: We recommend installing Rank Math on the network and then activating it on the individual subsites.

In order to use Rank Math on your multisite environment, you need to first install Rank Math’s FREE version of your network by following the steps below:

3.1.1 Navigate to the Plugins Section

To install the Rank Math plugin on your network, navigate to the Plugins section, located under My Sites → Network Admin, as shown below:

Navigate to the Plugins section in the Network Admin

3.1.2 Add New Plugin

In the Plugins section, click on Add New to install the free version of the Rank Math plugin.

Click on Add New

3.1.3 Install Rank Math

Search for the Rank Math plugin in the search bar and click on Install Now to initiate the installation process. Don’t click the Activate button that appears after Rank Math is installed.

Install Rank Math plugin

Rank Math has now been installed but not activated on your subsites. You will now navigate to the subsites to activate Rank Math.

Now that Rank Math is installed on your network, site admins of individual sites on your network can activate or deactivate the plugin on their respective subsite. Here’s how to do that.

3.2.1 Navigate to Your Subsite

Navigate to your sub-site where you’d like to activate Rank Math, as shown below:

Navigate to your subsite.

3.2.2 Activate Rank Math

In your subsite’s WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins section and click on Activate to activate the free version of Rank Math as shown below:

Activate free version of Rank Math

3.2.3 Connect Your Account

Once you’ve activated Rank Math, connect your account from Rank Math SEO → Dashboard → Help and click Connect Now button as shown below:

connect your account

On the next screen, select the account you want to use for plugin activation and click on the OK, ACTIVATE NOW button.

Plugin Activation

3.2.4 Use Rank Math’s Setup Wizard to Set up SEO on Your Website

Once you’ve activated Rank Math, follow our setup wizard either from the Plugins section of your sub-site or by navigating to Rank Math SEO → Dashboard → Setup Wizard Tab that will help to set up Rank Math on your subsite without any hassle.

Rank Math's Set Up Wizard

And that’s it! The free version of Rank Math is now installed and activated on your individual sub-site.

Note: We recommend installing Rank Math PRO on the network and then activating it on the individual subsites.

In this section, we will discuss how to upgrade to Rank Math PRO on a multisite environment.

4.1.1 Purchase a License

To begin with, you need to purchase a license for Rank Math PRO.

4.1.2 Update Rank Math Free Version

Update the free version on your network from the WordPress dashboard → Plugins area as shown below:

Update the free version of Rank Math

4.1.3 Download Rank Math PRO

Download the Rank Math PRO version from your account area.

Download Rank Math PRO

4.1.4 Upload the PRO Version on WordPress MultiSite

To upload the PRO version on your WordPress multisite, navigate to the Plugins section, located under My Sites → Network Admin. Click on Add New as shown below:

Click on Add New Plugin

Then click on Upload Plugin to upload Rank Math’s PRO version.

Click on Upload Plugin

Select the zip file that you downloaded by clicking on Choose File. Click on Install Now as shown below:

Click on Install Now

The plugin will be installed successfully. Don’t click the Activate button that appears after Rank Math is installed. Now, Rank Math PRO needs to be activated on individual subsites.

To activate Rank Math PRO on individual subsites, follow the steps discussed below

4.2.1 Navigate to Your Subsite

Navigate to your subsite where you’d like to activate Rank Math PRO as shown below:

Navigate to your subsite

In your subsite’s WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins section and click on Activate to activate the PRO version of Rank Math as shown below:

Activate Rank Math PRO on a subsite

4.2.3 Activate the License

Next step is to activate the license from the WordPress Dashboard → Rank Math SEO → Dashboard → Help. Click on Connect Now as shown below:

Activate Rank Math PRO on a subsite

Once you click Connect Now, you’ll be redirected to, where you’ll be able to connect your account to activate your license. You should use the same Rank Math account you used to subscribe to a Rank Math PRO plan.

Rank Math PRO plugin activation

After clicking OK, ACTIVATE NOW, Rank Math PRO will be activated successfully on your subsite.

A multisite environment can definitely help streamline some repetitive tasks, and when paired with a plugin like Rank Math, you can manage your site’s on-page SEO more efficiently than ever.

If you still have any questions about installing Rank Math on a multisite environment, please feel free to contact our support team, who are available 24×7 and will help you out as soon as possible.

Still not using Rank Math?

Setup takes less than 5 minutes including the import from your old SEO Plugin!

Learn more about the PRO Version

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