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How to Archive WordPress Posts and Pages

Do you want to keep any previous content in an archive rather than delete it? Are you looking to archive WordPress posts?

Your previous content may occasionally seem out of place as websites get older and your content changes. This is partly because quality control on your website has improved over time, search engine rankings have changed, SEO has evolved, and all these things directly impact how content is produced.

Obviously, content does not become unreadable simply because it has aged. You need to archive the posts, so that they’re not lost in the shuffle of new content.

Rolling your own solution to archive WordPress posts is cumbersome and the simplest solution is archiving them with the help of WordPress plugins. Sounds easy right?

So without further ado, let’s dive in and see how to archive WordPress posts/pages without deleting them.

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A Simple Guide to Manage WordPress Transients

You likely already know how crucial performance is to a successful website if you work as a WordPress developer. However, it can be difficult to comprehend WordPress transients and how they’ll assist you in optimizing your projects.

Fortunately, transients aren’t that hard to grasp once you break them down. You should have no trouble adding them to your next WordPress plugin if you remember a few important guidelines.

In this post, we’ll walk you through transients in WordPress and how and when to use them. Let’s get right to it, as there are a lot of points to cover!

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How to Easily Import/Export Navigation Menus in 30 Minutes

Do you want to export a navigation menu from one WordPress site and import it into another? 

You might occasionally want to move your entire WordPress website to a different website. It is necessary to import/export your navigation menus to the new website if you choose to use them from the old website. This will help you save time and work. It is an easy process; however, it might be challenging for beginners.

The default WordPress import/export functionality allows you to transfer menus as part of the full site transfer, but it doesn’t let you import/export menus by themselves.

In this post, we’ll show you how to import & export navigation menus in WordPress. But before we begin, let us first understand WordPress’s import/export features.

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How to Fix Missing Admin Bar Issue in WordPress

Are you looking to fix the admin bar not showing on your WordPress site? For most WordPress websites, the admin bar appears on each page when you’re logged in on your site. It includes useful shortcuts to various sections of the WordPress admin area. But, when you experience the missing admin bar issue, the admin bar will be removed completely.

This can be very inconvenient since you have to go to your WordPress admin panel whenever you want to edit posts and pages, respond to comments, change plugin settings, and perform other actions.

The missing admin bar issue is usually caused by poorly coded themes, plugin conflicts, and user profiles that aren’t set up correctly.

With that said, let’s look at why this happens and how to fix your site’s missing admin bar issue.

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