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SERP Tracking tools have picked up strong fluctuations in search results, as high as seen around during core updates. The volatility was seen on October 2nd & 3rd (varied across different regions and timezones) but was prominently seen across all the regions on October 3, 2021.

This could be likely a change made by Google that has triggered the SERP tools, but the traffic and rankings might not have been impacted at the same level.

What Are People Saying?

Several webmasters have noticed the fluctuations and took to Twitter (more discussions here). Mordy Oberstein from Semrush has shared more insights on the volatility as he noticed some reversals from previous unconfirmed updates.

That said, with SERP tracking tools off the roof, but the impact on traffic and rankings is not high as expected, this could be likely a reversal of various unconfirmed algorithm updates. And even Google has not announced any update during this period, especially for volatility with such a high intensity.

What Next – Dealing With This Update

Since SEOs are noticing reversals from previous unconfirmed algorithm updates, you might need to dig deeper to check your ranking positions & compare to understand how this unconfirmed algorithm update has affected you. Thankfully, Rank Math has already got a Rank Tracker that can help you analyze the historical ranking positions of your keywords in concurrence with various algorithm updates, so you can get started & start analyzing in no time.

Rank Math Google Updates

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