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Google announced rolling out a new product reviews update on July 27, 2022. This rollout will take 2-3 weeks to complete and will impact a wide range of websites.

This update builds on Google’s previous product reviews update, which was released in March 2022. The main aim of this update is to provide users with more accurate and relevant information when searching for products online.

Google’s Official Announcement

As announced on Twitter, Google released a new product review update. This update is designed to help improve the accuracy and quality of product reviews. You can find the guidelines for this update on Google Search Central.

What This Update Means For You

If you run an eCommerce store or a product review website, it’s important to take note of this update. As creating high-quality, accurate, and user-friendly reviews will be more important than ever before.

Here are some things you can do to make sure your reviews are up to Google’s new standards:

  • Google is now saying that reviews should be “evaluated from a user’s perspective“. This means your reviews need to be written from the perspective of someone using the product.  
  • Your reviews should also “demonstrate that you are knowledgeable about the products reviewed“. In other words, you actually know what you’re talking about.
  • Google also says that reviews should “provide evidence such as visuals, audio, or other links of your own experience with the product“. This is a good opportunity to use video or images in your reviews and give readers a better sense of what you’re talking about.
  • Another important aspect of this update is that reviews should “share quantitative measurements about how a product measures up in various categories of performance“. This encourages you to provide ratings for products — make sure you back it up with some actual data.
  • Google also says that reviews should provide links to other sources of information about the product.

What Are People Saying?

Some people have also noted that this update could be a good opportunity for small businesses and bloggers to get more exposure. By writing high-quality and informative reviews, you could see your website or blog rank higher in Google search results.

Here are some tweets from people in the SEO community:


There wasn’t much chatter on Twitter about the update when released until July 29, when people started to notice the changes.

Some people are saying that they have started to notice the impact of this update.


What’s Next – Dealing With This Update

Overall, this update is a benefit for both consumers and businesses. By providing more accurate and relevant information, users will be able to make better-informed decisions when shopping online. And by following Google’s guidelines, businesses will be able to improve their chances of ranking higher in search results.

With that said, Rank Math can help you take advantage of this update. Our Product Schema Module allows you to easily add structured data to your product reviews. This can help Google better understand your review content, leading to higher search rankings.

Note: Sooner than expected, the July 2022 Product Reviews Update finished rolling out on August 2, 2022, as updated in Google’s Search Ranking Updates.
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