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v1.0.103.1 joulukuu 2, 2022

  • Improved: Refactored the Analytics Token regeneration code to avoid Google account disconnections
  • Improved: The Analytics data fetch will now only import data for dates on which data exists, reducing the time required to import the data
  • Improved: Clear pending background cron jobs related to Analytics if data import fails
  • Korjattu: Keyword in Image Alt attribute test now works properly when additional text is present in the Alt tag for improving Image SEO

v1.0.103 marraskuu 30, 2022

  • Added: [NEW!] HTML Sitemaps are here for everyone!
  • Added: Option to enable/disable Author Sitemap
  • Added: Back button in the Content AI Panel to get back to the SEO Controls without reloading the page
  • Improved: [HUGE!] SEO Tests & Content AI tests run much faster than ever
  • Improved: [HUGE!] Performance by preventing unnecessary calls for the getFeaturedImageId REST endpoint in the Divi Editor
  • Fixed: Visual bug in the date field of Schema generaattori
  • Fixed: Query strings added to the attachment URL using the Open Graph Image suodattaa were getting removed
  • Fixed: Incorrect description was generated when multiple keywords were used in the post
  • Korjattu: Capitalize Title option was not working well when an apostrophe was used in the title
  • Korjattu: Google Trends tool was not displaying the popup in the Elementor Editor after switching tabs
  • Korjattu: Recalculate SEO score tool was not detecting the ALT text added to the post thumbnail
  • Fixed: Position of the toggle options in Rank Math’s Meta Box at Classic Editor
  • Fixed: Missing font icons in Divi & Elementor Editor when Schema & Content AI modules are disabled
  • Fixed: Content AI REST endpoints were showing 404 error on some setups
  • Fixed: Sitemap cache not being cleared after setting a post to noindex
  • Fixed: Deprecated function used in the plugin

v1.0.102.1 marraskuu 24, 2022

  • Removed: Unused JS files from the plugin

v1.0.101 marraskuu 2, 2022

  • Added: [NEW!] New fields in the Paikallinen SEO Tab for the Website Name and Alternative Name to support Google’s newly introduced Site Name feature
  • Added: New filter to allow CDN path in the Social Overlay Image
  • Added: Notification alert when the "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" option is enabled
  • Added: Property/View ID in the Analytics Module’s Properties setting to easily identify the Properties with the same name
  • Fixed: Self-linking in post content was counted as an incoming link
  • Korjattu: Overall Content length test was not working well when encoded space   was used in the content
  • Fixed: PHP warning on some setups when primary taxonomy is deleted
  • Fixed: PHP Undefined function error on sites that were overwriting the WooCommerce functions
  • Fixed: PHP warning on some setups when Backup data is not available
  • Fixed: PHP error on some setups when suodattaa was used to change the Opengraph image
🇫🇮 Suomi