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5 Best Long-Tail Keyword Generator Tools

5 Best Long-Tail Keyword Generator Tools

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Mastering search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for driving organic traffic to your website.

One powerful strategy in the SEO is using long-tail keywords—specific, detailed phrases that capture users’ intent more accurately than broad, generic terms.

However, finding the right long-tail keywords can be challenging without the proper tools. This is where long-tail keyword generator tools come into play.

By using these tools, you can refine your content strategy, attract more qualified traffic, and ultimately achieve better SEO results.

In this post, we’ll explore the best long-tail keyword generator tools available today.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

Best Long-Tail Keyword Generator Tools

Let us now discuss the best long-tail keyword generator tools.

1 Google AutoSuggest

Google AutoSuggest, also known as Google Autocomplete, is a powerful and intuitive feature of Google’s search engine that can serve as an effective tool for generating long-tail keywords.

When you start typing a query into the Google search bar, AutoSuggest immediately offers suggestions based on the most common searches related to the input. These suggestions are highly relevant and reflect what real audiences are searching for, making them excellent candidates for long-tail keywords.

To effectively use Google AutoSuggest to discover long-tail keywords, enter a broad keyword related to your industry or topic. For example, if you are in the fitness industry, you can start with the workout keyword.

As you type, observe the suggestions that appear in the dropdown list. These will be long-tail variations of your initial keyword.

Modify the core term by adding different letters or words to generate new suggestions. For instance, typing workout f might yield workout for abs, workout for beginners, or workout for weight loss.

Google Autosuggest- long-tail keyword generator tool

Compile a list of the most relevant and useful long-tail keywords that appear in the suggestions. These can be used to optimize your content and target specific search queries.

AutoSuggest provides up-to-date keyword suggestions based on current search trends, ensuring your content stays relevant.

Unlike many keyword research tools that require a subscription, Google AutoSuggest is free and readily available to anyone with internet access.

2 Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a robust free tool within the Google Ads platform that is primarily designed to assist advertisers in planning their campaigns.

It is also highly effective to generate long-tail keywords, making it a valuable resource for SEO and content marketing efforts. This tool provides insights into search volume, competition, and keyword trends, helping you identify specific phrases that can drive targeted traffic to your websites.

To use Google Keyword Planner to generate long-tail keywords, log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to the Keyword Planner tool.

Enter a broad keyword related to your niche.

Click on Discover new keywords and enter your broad keyword. From here, you can enter a starting keyword to get more suggestions, which you can filter by region and language.

Discover new keywords

Google Keyword Planner will generate a list of keyword ideas, along with their search volume, competition level, and trend data.

Look for multi-word phrases that indicate specific user intent. Keywords with a monthly search volume of 10 to 100 or less are considered long-tail. However, they might not be the best targets if they represent uncommon ways of searching for popular topics.

Google Keyword Planner example

Use filters to narrow the results by average monthly searches, competition, and other metrics. This helps identify long-tail keywords that have high search volume but lower competition.

3 AnswerThePublic

First, visit the AnswerThePublic website. In the search bar, type a broad keyword related to your niche.

The tool will generate a visual map of keyword suggestions categorized into questions, prepositions, alphabeticals, comparisons, and related suggestions.


You can then export the results as a CSV file or take screenshots for further analysis.

Use the gathered long-tail keywords to optimize your website content, blog posts, and other marketing materials.

The free version has a limited number of daily searches, which might not be sufficient for extensive keyword research. You can then subscribe to a paid version starting at $49 per month.

4 Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer is a powerful and comprehensive keyword research tool that can effectively generate long-tail keywords for your SEO and content marketing strategies.

Known for its extensive database and advanced metrics, Ahrefs provides valuable insights into keyword difficulty, search volume, and potential traffic, making it an indispensable tool for identifying profitable long-tail keywords.

To use Ahrefs Keywords Explorer to find long-tail keywords, log in to your Ahrefs account and navigate to the Keywords Explorer tool.

Input a broad keyword related to your niche. After entering your seed keyword, Ahrefs provides a list of keyword ideas and generates long-tail keywords, along with important metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and potential traffic.

Keyword ideas in Ahrefs

5 Semrush

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool is a comprehensive and user-friendly keyword research tool designed to help marketers and content creators discover valuable long-tail keywords.

It provides detailed insights into keyword metrics, making it an essential resource for optimizing your content strategy and enhancing your search engine rankings.

Semrush keyword magic tool

How to Choose the Right Long-Tail Keyword Generator Tool

The first step in choosing the right long-tail keyword generator tool is to assess your specific needs. Consider what you aim to achieve with keyword research—whether it’s improving your SEO strategy, enhancing content marketing, or running effective PPC campaigns.

For instance, if you need a simple tool for generating initial keyword ideas, Google AutoSuggest or AnswerThePublic can be a good choice. However, if you’re looking for in-depth analysis and competitive insights, tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer or Semrush Keyword Magic Tool will be more appropriate.

Balancing the cost of the tool with the features it offers is important.

Free tools like Google Autosuggest and Google Keyword Planner are excellent starting points, especially for those with limited budgets. They provide valuable insights without any financial commitment.

Finally, researching user reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the tool’s real-world performance and reliability.

Reviews can highlight common issues, strengths, and how well the tool meets users’ needs across different scenarios. Platforms like G2, Trustpilot, and other user forums can offer candid feedback from actual users.

Pay attention to reviews from users with similar needs and expertise levels as yours.

This will help you understand whether a particular tool will meet your expectations and provide good value for money.


Using long-tail keywords is essential for targeting niche audiences, reducing competition, and increasing conversion rates.

The right long-tail keyword generator tools can make all the difference in identifying these valuable keywords and including them into your SEO strategy.

By using one or more of these tools into your workflow, you can uncover valuable long-tail keywords that drive targeted traffic, and boost your search engine rankings.

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