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v1.0.121 Agosto 9, 2023

v1.0.120 26 luglio 2023

  • Aggiunto: Nuovo filtro to change the post object passed to the Sitemap
  • Migliorato: Reindirizzamento code to deactivate self redirects by default when they are created.
  • Improved: URLs in the monitor 404 are now clickable
  • Fixed: Incorrect modified date added to the Mappa del sito when a scheduled post was published
  • Fixed: Analytics settings were not updating when configured through Configurazione guidata
  • Fixed: Error in the Mappa del sito dell'autore su alcune configurazioni
  • Fixed: Broken Analytics styling in Dashboard Widget on German sites

v1.0.119.1 16 luglio 2023

  • Improved: Strengthened the security of the plugin. Thanks to Patchstack for revealing it responsibly

v1.0.119 12 luglio 2023

v1.0.118 28 giugno 2023

  • Migliorato: mpo personalizzato% variabile now works on Taxonomy & Author pages
  • Migliorato: Image-related tests in SEO Analyzer will now display a clear message when Images are not found on the homepage
  • Fixed: SEO Analyzer was showing an option to Enable Auto Update even when Auto-updates were disabled on the site using a function
  • Fisso: Icon Overlay feature problemi di compatibilità con i siti che utilizzano il modulo Imagick
  • Fixed: Incorrect seller ID error in the Schema del prodotto on secondary languages
  • Fixed: Timezones in Mappa del sito were not accurate when using half hours like (+5:30)
  • Fisso: Punteggio SEO was shown in Classic Editor even to the users who didn’t have the required capabilities
  • Fisso: 404 Monitor log was not including the language slug on multilingual sites
  • Fixed: Redirection with Contains, Starts With, & Ends with was not working well when trailing slash was added to the Source URL
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with the Molongui Authorship plugin
🇮🇹 Italiano