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Google announced a core update to its search ranking algorithm on March 15, 2023 and was completed on March 28, 2023. Google also updated it on their search ranking updates list page. This is after six months since the last core update in September 2022. 

Search Ranking Page

Several SERP tracking tools captured fluctuations and volatility in search results before and after the update finished rolling out. Additionally, some SEO professionals noticed the turbulence in the search results.

Google’s Official Announcement

Google announced this new update on Twitter.

What Are People Saying?

Barry Schwartz, one of the prominent SEO experts, tweeted the details on the core update.

He also shared the volatility charts of few websites.

Glenn Gabe also shared his insights regarding the update.

What’s Next – Dealing With This Update

Google algorithm updates are expected, with changes often introduced to enhance how it ranks content on SERPs.

Although Google hasn’t fully announced the specifics of the algorithm update, we can draw some perspectives on what to keep an eye on based on previous updates. 

Most of Google’s core updates intend to enhance a user’s search experience. Hence, you need to ensure that you provide users with value and that they have a seamless experience when using your website.

If your site is affected by the Google’s core updates, here’s what you can do:

Firstly, ensure that your content is compelling and upto date. You can use Rank Math Analytics to see which pages have declining rankings. You can then update your content to ensure it aligns with Google’s helpful content requirements.

Secondly, ensure that your website’s technical SEO aspects are upto par, including your site’s speed, mobile friendliness, crawlability, etc.

Watch the video below to learn how to deal with any Google ranking algorithm core update.

Rank Math Google Updates

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