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v1.0.70 elokuu 13, 2021

  • Lisätty: Option to Select/Deselect all the Capabilities for each role in the Role Manager
  • Lisätty: Filter to enable Google Analytics tracking for certain user roles even if Exclude Logged-In Users option is ON
  • Improved: Hide ‘Help & Support’ menu item if Admin Menu is disabled from the Rank Math’s Roolien hallinta
  • Improved: Set autoload to false for the option which stores the plugin’s setting Backups
  • Improved: The author URL is now used in the @id property only when the Author archive is enabled
  • Korjattu: 404 näyttö page was not showing View Redirection button even if redirection was present for that 404 page
  • Fixed: On large sites, the Focus keyword test was failing on the SEO Analysis page
  • Fixed: Exclude Logged in Users option in the Analytics settings was not working
  • Korjattu: Length indicator was showing green color when the text entered was longer than the recommended length
  • Korjattu: Yoast block converter tool was showing in the Database Tools even when the site didn’t have any Yoast blocks
  • Fixed: Wrong Deactivate Conflicting plugin notice was showing on some setups
  • Korjattu: Link attribute options like Open link in a new tab were not working in the REST calls
  • Fixed: Breadcrumb Title field was not showing on taxonomy pages
  • Fixed: The %%currentyear%% variable imported from the SEOPress plugin was showing the wrong value
  • Fixed: Schema data was not updating in the Divi Backend editor on sites where the PRO version was active
  • Fixed: Author URL was missing on the posts which were using default Article schema

v1.0.69.2 elokuu 5, 2021

  • Fixed: SEO data was not updating in the Classic editor on some setups. Please go through this KB article to confirm the REST requests are not blocked on your website
  • Fixed: Issue with the Focus Keywords in Taxonomy & User Edit pages
  • Fixed: Trailing slash was missing in the SERP preview of Classic Editor.
  • Fixed: Firefox was showing a big link icon in the block editor
  • Fixed: Classic editor was not honoring the permalink structure
  • Fixed: Upon adding the Disable Sidebar Integration filter (for Gutenberg), the Meta Box was not consuming the entire width

v1.0.69.1 heinäkuu 31, 2021

  • Fixed: SEO details were not saving in the Classic Editor draft post
  • Fixed: Media library page was showing Save & Cancel button even without clicking on the Bulk edit option
  • Fixed: On new posts, permalink was not showing any value in the Classic Editor
  • Fixed: Author name was missing in Facebook Preview of Classic Editor

v1.0.69 heinäkuu 30, 2021

  • Improved: [HUGE!] Converted the Classic Editor metabox into React for better performance and code optimization, removed more than 5,000 lines of code from the plugin!
  • Improved: Styling of toolbar button in the Block editor
  • Improved: Removed tabs registered by other plugins from Rank Math’s Tila ja työkalut -sivu
  • Improved: CSS rules by using rank_math prefix so it won’t conflict with other plugins
  • Improved: Styling of admin notices
  • Changed: Name & Description of the ‘Add SEO Meta Box‘ option in the Options Panel
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with WP Real Estate plugin causing issues on some installations
  • Fixed: Terms with custom canonical URL were showing in the Sitemap
  • Fixed: Console errors on the Widgets page in WordPress v5.8
  • Fixed: Styling of Google trends modal was broken when the Schema module was disabled
  • Fixed: Permalink changed from the SERP modal of Divi builder was not updating the slug value
  • Fixed: Undefined index notice in class-console.php file
  • Fixed: Hook to add extra URL in Sitemap ei toiminut
  • Fixed: Analytics related options UI was showing in the Options Panel’s search form
  • Fixed: Tooltip for the Average Position was wrong in the Analytics Pages
  • Fixed: Wrong text in the ‘Ei kuvahakemistoa‘ robots description
  • Fixed: Changing month in Työpaikkailmoitus-schema was crashing the block editor on WordPress v5.8
  • Korjattu: AIO SEO importer ei toiminut
  • Fixed: Share button styling in the publish flow was broken

v1.0.68.1 heinäkuu 22, 2021

  • Fixed: Firefox was showing a big Link icon in the block editor
  • Fixed: Deprecated block_categories notice appearing after WordPress 5.8 update
🇫🇮 Suomi