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v1.0.74 lokakuu 13, 2021

  • Improved: The table check on the System Status page will now show the table size
  • Improved: Updated the recommended PHP version to 7.4 in Ohjattu asennustoiminto. Though, we suggest upgrading to PHP 8
  • Korjattu: Otsikoiden kirjoitusasun muokkaus option was not showing the title capitalized in SERP Preview in the admin area
  • Fixed: Fatal error on some sites when Schema shortcode was used in the Majavan rakentaja
  • Fixed: Divi Builder was showing the Schema tab even when the Schema module was not enabled
  • Fixed: Sitemap was not showing the images data added using the Gravity View gallery Shortcode
  • Fixed: Robots metadata was getting removed from the embed pages

v1.0.73 syyskuu 29, 2021

  • Improved: NGINX configuration related notice can be dismissed in the Sitemap settings page
  • Korjattu: Sivutettu WooCommerce Product category pages with UTF8 slugs were showing 404 errors when the Remove category base option was enabled
  • Fixed: The primaryImageofPage Schema entity was incorrectly added on the Collection Page
  • Fixed: Compatibility issue with the Redux Framework plugin
  • Korjattu: Admin menu bar was showing incorrect options for static Home & Blog pages

v1.0.72 syyskuu 17, 2021

  • Added: Loading effect to the Analytics tables when data is being loaded
  • Improved: Default date will be added in priceValidUntil field of Product schema
  • Fixed: Elementor editor was showing an error when Remove Product Base option was enabled and WPML plugin was active
  • Fixed: Browser console was showing errors in Elementor editor when SEO Tab was disabled using the Filter
  • Fixed: On RTL sites of Divi frontend builder, the SEO popup was going out of the screen
  • Fixed: Compilation failed warning when special characters were used in the Focus Keyword
  • Fixed: WooCommerce Product paginated reviews page were redirecting to the main page when Remove Product base option was enabled
  • Fixed: The Quick edit was breaking the Posts list table when bulk edit option was disabled
  • Fixed: Fatal error when deactivating the conflicting plugin from the notice

v1.0.71.1 syyskuu 3, 2021

  • Fixed: WooCommerce Product pages were showing 404 error on Secondary languages with WPML or WooCommerce Multilingual plugin when Remove Product Base option was enabled
  • Fixed: WooCommerce Product draft preview was showing 404 error when Remove Product Base option was enabled
  • Fixed: Call to undefined function get_filesystem_method error on some setup

v1.0.71 syyskuu 1, 2021

  • Parantunut: Analytics Email report will now show a message when all stats are empty
  • Improved: Updated the field description of OpenGraph Thumbnail option
  • Improved: Code to output the dateModified property in the schema
  • Fixed: Spaces are added between the keywords in the Common Keyword test of SEO Analysis page for better accessibility. Thanks to Taylor Arndt
  • Fixed: Disabling tests via suodattaa was not working on secondary keywords
  • Fixed: SEO Analysis was showing error on some setups where the rows in postmeta table exceeded 100k rows
  • Fixed: Organization URL variable %org_url% was showing incorrect value
  • Fixed: Social settings were visible even when the user didn’t have the capability to edit those settings
  • Fixed: Options in Category or Tags variable %categories(limit=3&separator= | &exclude=12,23)% were not working correctly
  • Fixed: Upgrade to PRO notice was showing even when PRO is active on multisite
  • Fixed: Option to connect Rank Math account was not showing on the multisite setup
  • Fixed: Warnings when FS_METHOD constant is set to ftpext or ssh2
  • Korjattu: Reomove base option allowed another base to be used in the URL
  • Korjattu: Ohjattu asennustoiminto screen was showing an error on PHP 8.0 setups
  • Fixed: Some variables were hidden in the Meta Description field in the SERP Preview modal
  • Fixed: Incompatibility with Geo My WP plugin. The GEO My WP plugin users can now use rank_math/redirection/fallback_exclude_locations to prevent the plugin’s search page from redirecting to the homepage
🇫🇮 Suomi