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v1.0.109 helmikuu 22, 2023

  • Improved: On new setups, the Poista katkelmatiedot option will be enabled on all WooCommerce Product archive pages by default
  • Korjattu: Elementor editori was showing deprecated warnings when the SCRIPT_DEBUG constant is set to true
  • Korjattu: Analytics Settings will now be shown only to the users who have access to the Analytics through the Roolien hallinta
  • Fixed: Some styling issues when the Gutenberg plugin was active
  • Korjattu: Puuttuu author name in the default Article Schema added to the old posts
  • Korjattu: Puuttuu video:duration tag when Custom field variable was used in the Video Schema Duration field

v1.0.108 helmikuu 9, 2023

  • Added: Support for WebP image format to use with Facebook’s Open Graph
  • Parantunut: autoload data for SEO-analyysi & Database Tools have now been set to väärä
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with the ACF’s Link type field, where the title added from the Link modal was not saved
  • Korjattu: Analytics was showing zero search traffic on some setups because of the cache

v1.0.107.3 tammikuu 30, 2023

  • Improved: Strengthened the security of the plugin. Thanks to PatchStack for revealing it responsibly
  • Fixed: After importing the data from Yoast, the %%searchphrase%% variable was not getting converted to the Rank Math’s %search_query%
  • Korjattu: Focus Keyword in Title test was not working well when & was used in the SERP Title
  • Korjattu: Book schema was showing incorrect published date on the frontend

v1.0.107.2 tammikuu 25, 2023

  • Fixed: TOC Block was not detecting the headings added in FAQ & HowTo blocks when core headings were present in the content

v1.0.107.1 tammikuu 25, 2023

  • Fixed: Version number
🇫🇮 Suomi