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Google Discover Optimization: How to Drive More Traffic to Your Site

In today’s fast-paced world, you’re always looking for new approaches to expand your reach and attract more readers to your content.

Staying up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques is essential to help you grow your audience.

One powerful tool that has gained significant attention recently is Google Discover. It helps you explore interesting topics, presenting you with articles and other content as per your preferences on mobile devices.

In this post, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of Google Discover and how you can optimize your blog content to make the most out of this powerful content discovery tool.

Google Discover Traffic  - How to Optimize Your Content for it

So, let’s begin the discovery!

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The 50-Step WordPress SEO Checklist To Boost Your Organic Traffic in 2024

SEO is far from easy. Those of us who’ve been in the industry for more than a handful of years will tell you that change is the only real constant

With that being said, optimizing your website for search engines isn’t impossible. And while there are some technical aspects to it that are a bit tricky – the actual implementation of WordPress SEO best practices has become easier.

That’s exactly what we’ll be covering in this WordPress SEO Checklist.

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How to Optimize Podcast for SEO

Did you know? According to Statista, nearly 6 in every ten of all US consumers above the age of 12 listen to podcasts.

The reason being listeners find podcasts more engaging, and most people tune in to learn something new. This engaging factor substantiates why US podcast ad spending growth is expected to surpass $2 billion by 2023, which is a 27% year-over-year growth.

Not surprising, even search engines like Google have already recognized the potential of podcasts and feature rich results to enable them to stand out in search results.

So, if you’re planning to explore this marketing channel – you’ll find what you need in this guide.

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Image SEO – How to Optimize Images for Search in 2024

If you read another image SEO guide before this one – they’ll have you thinking image SEO is just about adding some alt tags to images and calling it a day. 

The truth is there’s a lot more to image SEO than alt tags and file names. 

In fact, Google’s recent advances in machine learning – which we can somewhat gauge by the efficacy of their cloud vision API product actually indicates they’re already able to determine the contents of images without relying on alt tags at all. 

So what should you even focus on when it comes to images on your website? Can you even still optimize images for search at all?

That’s what we’ll be covering in this guide & more. 

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