v3.0.40 12 juli 2023
- Bijgewerkt: Duitse vertalingen
- Fixed: Sorting data on the Rank Tracker-pagina was not working with paginated pages
- Fixed: Updating the Headline in JobPosting Schema was incorrectly updating the Schema title
- Vast: Analyse posten issue on Multisite sub-directory installation
- Vast: Filtering by Schema type now works correctly on sites that do not use the default table prefix
v3.0.39 28 juni 2023
- Bijgewerkt: Portugese (Brazilië) vertalingen
- Vast: Image Watermark feature compatibility issues with sites using the Imagick module
- Vast: Schema Templates Display Conditions with Archive was not working well on some setups
- Fixed: Missing posts in the SEO-prestaties tab of Analytics
- Fixed: Filtering by Hits in the 404 Monitor was not working well on paginated pages
- Fixed: Error in PHP 7.3 related to the Snelle aanpassing
v3.0.38 15 juni 2023
- Added: New option to test Google Analytics connection status
- Added: Portuguese (Brazil) translations
- Verbeterd: Noindex Verborgen Producten code so that it sets the category with only hidden products to noindex
- Improved: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
- Vast: Local Sitemap was showing a Critical error when the WooCommerce module was enabled
- Vast: Nieuws-sitemap was displaying a white page
- Vast: Videositemap was rendering a white page
- Fixed: Podcast feed was not showing all the Podcast episodes data. Users can now use dit filter to change the number of episodes to include in the Podcast feed
- Fixed: Fatal error in Snelle aanpassing on custom Products post type when WooCommerce plugin is not active
- Fixed: Default value for the Noindex Hidden Products option was not being stored during plugin installation
v3.0.37 31 mei 2023
- Opgelost: verborgen producten werden onjuist weergegeven als geïndexeerd in de SEO Details-sectie van Post Column wanneer Noindex Hidden Products-optie was ingeschakeld
- Vast: Variabelen werkten niet op sommige gebieden van de KML-bestand
v3.0.36 18 mei 2023
- Verbeterd: de beveiliging van de plug-in is verbeterd. Dankzij Patchstack om het op verantwoorde wijze te onthullen
- Vast: Editing Robots data from Quick Edit was not working
- Fixed: Restored missing Noindex banner in the SERP-voorbeeld when WooCommerce Hidden Products are set to noindex