In this knowledgebase article, we’re going to discuss whether Rank Math works with WP Shamsi or not.
What is WP Shamsi?
WP Shamsi is a WordPress plugin that makes it possible to convert the default WordPress date format to Shamsi, aka Jalali or Iranian calendar and improves local UI to Farsi users.
Does Rank Math Work with WP Shamsi?
Yes, Rank Math is fully compatible with the WP Shamsi plugin.
1 Post/Page Date
You can modify the date on the posts/pages with the help of the WP Shamsi plugin.

Rank Math will further display the date on your post/page in the same format.

2 Quick Edit
Shamsi (Jalali) date in post quick edit works completely fine with Rank Math plugin. You can set the date in Quick Edit and then click on Update. The Jalali date will be updated on your post.

3 Archive Widget
The functionality of Rank Math isn’t hampered even when the archive widget is displayed with the help of the WP Shamsi plugin.

Rank Math also displays the Jalali date in the comments sections of your posts/page.

And that’s it! If you still have any questions about WP Shamsi’s compatibility with Rank Math – feel free to reach out to our support team.