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Google announced another update to its reviews system. The April 2023 Reviews update started rolling out on 12th April 2023 and was completed on 25th April 2023.

Reviews Update

Google has broadened the scope of its review updates to cover product reviews and reviews on services, destinations, and other reviewable topics.

The update focuses on rewarding sites that publish high-quality review content that is insightful and demonstrate experience and expertise.

Google’s Official Announcement

Google announced the update on Twitter and published a blog post to share more details about its review system.

What Are People Saying?

Several SEO experts have tweeted about the update sharing their thoughts and insights on the new reviews system update.

Dr. Marie Hyanes, one of the most prominent SEOs, shared details regarding the update.

Here’s an example of specific sites hit by the Review update from Glenn Gabe.

Barry Schwartz also shared insights regarding the update.

What’s Next – Dealing With This Update

Google defines a review can be on a single item, head-to-head comparisons, ranked lists of suggestions, or any reviewable topic. In short, reviews can be on any subject. 

This implies that if your website publishes any form of review content, this is a critical update to keep an eye on. 

In that case, you can use Rank Math Analytics to check whether your organic traffic has improved and which pages have been impacted. Following that, you can update your content to meet Google’s guidelines for writing high-quality reviews. 

Watch our video below to learn how to recover your website from the update.

Rank Math Google Updates

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