v1.0.102 marraskuu 14, 2022
v1.0.101 marraskuu 2, 2022
- Added: [NEW!] New fields in the Paikallinen SEO Tab for the Website Name and Alternative Name to support Google’s newly introduced Site Name feature
- Added: New filter to allow CDN path in the Social Overlay Image
- Added: Notification alert when the "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" option is enabled
- Added: Property/View ID in the Analytics Module’s Properties setting to easily identify the Properties with the same name
- Fixed: Self-linking in post content was counted as an incoming link
- Korjattu: Overall Content length test was not working well when encoded space
was used in the content - Fixed: PHP warning on some setups when primary taxonomy is deleted
- Fixed: PHP Undefined function error on sites that were overwriting the WooCommerce functions
- Fixed: PHP warning on some setups when Backup data is not available
- Fixed: PHP error on some setups when suodattaa was used to change the Opengraph image
v1.0.100.1 lokakuu 20, 2022
- Improved: Renamed the secret parameter in the thumbnail overlay URL to hash to avoid any confusion, as this is not a sensitive information
- Korjattu: Icon Overlay was not working after the last update
v1.0.100 lokakuu 19, 2022
v1.0.99 lokakuu 6, 2022
- Improved: Remove all Action Scheduler tasks related to Rank Math after uninstalling the plugin
- Updated: Description links in the Webmaster Tools tab of the General Settings
- Fixed: Converting Yoast’s HowTo & FAQ block was working only on the ‘Posts’, not on other post types
- Fixed: PHP warning on some setups after importing the data from SEOPress
- Fixed: PHP error after deleting the post when Link Counter module was enabled
- Fixed: PHP error when invalid schema data is saved in the Database
- Fixed: Copying Schema shortcode using the Keyboard was not working in the Elementor editor
- Korjattu: Index Now API key was changed every time the Settings are updated
- Fixed: Missing Analytics table error on some setups