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What is an RSS Feed?

An RSS feed is a service that allows subscribers to receive updates when their favorite sites publish new content. This makes it easy for users to stay informed about new content, including blog posts, news articles, and podcasts published on a site.

Sample of the RSS feed as displayed by an RSS reader

When you find a site you like, you can subscribe to its RSS feed by clicking the RSS button or link if it is available. Optionally, you may add the sites you want to follow directly from your RSS feed reader. For example, this RSS feed reader allows you to search and follow the sites you are interested in.

Sample of an RSS feed reader that allows you to search and follow sites 

The next time the site is updated, your RSS reader or aggregator will display the new content.

Sample of updated content displayed in the RSS reader

When you click on a news item, the reader will typically display a headline, summary, and link to the article. Sometimes, the link may be embedded into the headline. Once you click on it, it takes you to the webpage where the article is published.

Sample of the headline and summary of a news item in an RSS feed

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or RDF Site Summary. It can be accessed and read using RSS feed readers, browsers, or websites that support RSS feeds. Depending on the content’s publisher’s settings, the feed would display a preview or all of the content.

RSS was quite popular in the 2000s. At one point, there were concerns that its popularity would lead to the demise of email marketing. However, it fell into disuse and is less used and supported today.

Importance of the RSS Feed

RSS feeds enable visitors to receive updates from their favorite websites, blogs, podcasts, and news outlets without visiting each site individually. This helps visitors save time and improves their ability to discover new content quickly.

Without the RSS feed, visitors would have to visit their favorite sites one after another. This process is slow and time-consuming, which reduces the chances of discovering new content. Visitors may also get distracted while visiting these sites one by one. 

From the creator’s perspective, the RSS feed makes it easier for visitors to discover their content. This helps improve the creator’s reach and visibility, leading to increased traffic to their content. 

How the RSS Feed Works

The RSS feed is straightforward. Here is a quick rundown of how it works:

  • You sign up for an RSS feed service like Feedly or Inoreader
  • When you visit a site, you subscribe to their RSS feed and their feed will be added to your feed
  • Optionally, you may enter the site URL directly into your own RSS feed
  • Whenever the site uploads new content, it will show up on your feed, which you can access using your RSS feed service

Not all RSS feed services require you to create an account. Some RSS reader applications and browser extensions allow you to subscribe to and manage RSS feeds without creating an account. 

What Information Does the RSS Feed Show

The RSS feed does not always show all the content published on the site. Instead, it typically shows the title, description, and URL that lead to the content. 

The URLs are usually arranged chronologically, with the most recent at the top. The feed is also customizable, so you may set it only to update when specific categories or sections of the site you follow are updated.

RSS Feed Best Practices

RSS remains an essential source of traffic for many creators. If you use and support RSS, we recommend following the best practices below to get the most out of your feed and subscribers.

1 Provide Clear and Concise Titles

Your feed title should ideally describe the content. This makes it easier for subscribers to understand the content and decide whether to engage with it. This clarity also aids in searchability, allowing users to find your feed among many others in their RSS reader. 

2 Include a Summary for Each Item

A summary or excerpt gives subscribers a quick overview of your content before they click through to access it. So, make sure to include one with your feed. You should also write it to arouse the visitor’s interest and encourage them to visit your site for the full content. 

3 Ensure Proper Formatting and Valid XML

Make sure to properly format the XML code for your RSS feed. This ensures that your feed functions correctly across various RSS readers and applications. Errors in your XML code can lead to broken feeds, making subscribers unable to access your content. 

4 Regularly Update Feeds With Relevant Content

Regularly updating your RSS feeds with relevant content is essential for keeping your audience engaged and informed. Visitors subscribe to your feed because they love your content. You should continue providing them with similar content to keep them coming back. Visitors receiving irrelevant content may lose interest and unsubscribe from your feed. 

5 Include Relevant Images When Applicable

Images can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your feed and make it stand out from other text-based content on your visitor’s feed. So, include relevant images in your RSS feed to increase your chances of getting clicks and traffic from your visitors. 

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