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v1.0.47.1 elokuu 25, 2020

  • Added: Proper credits and attribution wherever they were missing. We are incredibly sorry about missing them in the first place. That should not have happened. Please feel free to reach out to us in case the credits are still missing anywhere in the plugin. We would be more than obliged to add.
  • Improved: Excluded image caption text from the auto-generated SEO descriptions
  • Improved: Added more automation to the Open Graph Image tag(og:image) functionality. It can now pick the first external image from the content as well
  • Improved: Fixed PHPCS warnings throughout the plugin
  • Removed: Unused remove_stopwords function from the Redirection module
  • Removed: Some unused error_log() calls from the plugin
  • Korjattu: SERP preview section not showing Hindi characters properly

v1.0.47 elokuu 17, 2020

  • Parantunut: WooCommerce products with 100s of variations should load extremely fast with proper Schema data
  • Improved: Rank Math won’t add Meta tags on Divi’s frontend page builder area to improve the loading time
  • Improved: Redirect Core Sitemap URL(s) to Rank Math’s Sitemap
  • Improved: Long focus keyword in featured images should be getting detected properly
  • Improved: Added a primary key to rank_math_internal_meta table
  • Improved: Compatibility with MainWP Plugin’s Bulk Settings editor
  • Improved: RTL styling for the SERP fields in the preview area of Rank Math
  • Updated: Minimum WordPress version supported by Rank Math is 5.2 & PHP 7.0
  • Removed: Removed auto-update email notification feature to avoid any conflict with WordPress 5.5’s auto-update email notifications
  • Korjattu: OG:Locale not updating for a couple of languages like Telugu & Urdu
  • Fixed: A typo in the Suodata salliaksesi lyhytkoodit tuotteen Schema kuvauksessa
  • Fixed: AMP Plugin was throwing an Invalid URL error on a page that used rank_math_contact_info Shortcode
  • Fixed: The %parent_title% variable was showing the example text in the preview section. Though, the value was printing correctly for the search engine bots
  • Fixed: The open external links in a new tab option was not working when Nofollow Image Link option was enabled
  • Korjattu: NoFollow External links option was not working with the AMP pages
  • Fixed: In the Classic Editor, Show SEO Score option was disabled even after enabling it in the Options Panel
  • Fixed: The exclude post type from the Sivukartta option was not working on the sites where a boolean value was stored in an integer format
  • Fixed: The import data option from other plugins was not working when not run via the setup wizard

v1.0.46 heinäkuu 30, 2020

  • [NEW] Added: Pixel length counter for the SEO title & description fields (view preview)
  • Added: Synced Rank Math’s auto-update feature with the auto-update option introduced in WordPress 5.5
  • Added: Rank Math’s blocks are now translation-ready in the WPML plugin
  • Improved: The UI of Import/Export settings page
  • Improved: Only show the SEO score in post lists when a focus keyword is set and if the post is indexable
  • Improved: Show a green indicator for keywords with the first position in the Search Console
  • Parantunut: Help & Support link in the sidebar menu now links directly to the Tietopohja
  • Improved: Removed the description from the Artikkeli-schema code for Google Web Stories as Google no longer requires it
  • Improved: Tooltip icon styling and consistency across both the Classic and the Gutenberg (aka Block) editor
  • Improved: API error handling for the SEO-analyysi functionality
  • Improved: Variables with double % will not show a preview in the Rank Math’s post preview area as they don’t work on the frontend
  • Improved: Error handling if an invalid file is uploaded in the settings importer
  • Improved: Checkbox styling in the Gutenberg & Elementor sidebar for the upcoming WordPress 5.5
  • Removed: Deprecated Structured Data Testing Tool from the admin bar
  • Removed: Disabled Core Sitemaps coming in WordPress 5.5 to avoid conflicts with the Rank Math’s Sitemap feature as Rank Math’s Sitemaps are more robust at this time
  • Korjattu: twitter:image tag was not using the image set in the Facebook tab of Rank Math for the newly created posts using the Gutenberg Editor
  • Fixed: Broken links in the Twitter preview tab for App & Player Card notice
  • Fixed: An issue where an extra slash in the Elementor’s Canonical URL option was shown. Though, it was not affecting the output for the search engine bots
  • Fixed: Adding a copied link from the clipboard to the block aka Gutenberg editor was breaking the paragraph
  • Fixed: Content analysis was not working for the pending posts when the editor user role did not have the capability to publish_pages
  • Fixed: Multiple broken KB links in Ohjattu asennustoiminto
  • Fixed: A PHP error appearing in the post list if ‘Hongo Addon’ plugin was active
  • Fixed: A problem where WP_HOMEURL was getting used instead of WP_SITEURL for the redirect 404 to homepage option

v1.0.45 heinäkuu 6, 2020

  • Added: [New!] Support for Google Web Stories by integrating with the Web Stories plugin for WordPress
  • Added: An option to enable/disable update emails in the Auto Update option as well as the ready step of the setup wizard
  • Lisätty: Facebook & Twitter meta fields in WPML config file
  • Added: Some missing text in the translation file
  • Added: A suodattaa to remove rank-math-link class from the content links on the frontend
  • Added: A dismiss button in the Auto-post Redirect notice that was missing accidentally. Sorry about that
  • Improved: Single post editor’s performance by removing some unnecessary Focus-avainsanat related combinations
  • Improved: Validating the Robots data before using them on the frontend
  • Improved: Hiding the Attachment Options in the Titles & Meta setting if the ‘Redirect Attachments’ option is turned on
  • Improved: Set attachments to noindex after importing settings from Yoast and if the Redirection Attachment option was set to on
  • Improved: Renamed ‘Media’ tab in the Sitemap settings to ‘Attachments’
  • Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.9 and the users will see a notice in the backend requesting them to update their WordPress to the latest version if someone wants to use the future releases of Rank Math (they might not be compatible)
  • Parantunut: Product In Stock value in the Tuote-schema shortcode will now show Available tai Not Available instead of a boolean value
  • Improved: Enhanced security in some places in the plugin
  • Replaced: A third-party useragent checking API in the advanced 404 Monitor with a native library
  • Removed: Missing description tag HTML comment notice from the frontend for admins
  • Changed: Dropdown labels to filter the post by SEO Scores
  • Changed: Sivukartta cache directory from plugin folder to wp-content/rank-math
  • Fixed: Few users were not able to connect their Google Search Console & Rank Math account
  • Fixed: The status of Elementor’s update button was not updating in some cases which were causing confusion
  • Fixed: An issue where the AMP plugin by Google was throwing errors for admin-related scripts. Even though it was working fine on the frontend
  • Fixed: Block Styling was not loading in the backend with the Gutenberg v8.4+ Plugin
  • Fixed: An issue where using a spacebar while adding a meta description was throwing the cursor to the end of the description entered
  • Fixed: Compatibility with the Duplicate Post plugin
  • Fixed: Getting an invalid argument supplied error in class-cmb2.php file on some installations
  • Fixed: Russian focus keywords were not getting detected in the URL in Rank Math’s tests
  • Fixed: An error was generating in the backend when the post thumbnail image was removed from the media folder
  • Fixed: In some cases, invalid was getting added to the Focus Keyword field after updating the post
  • Fixed: Guided Resepti-schema was throwing an invalid value in the field itemtype when a HowtoSection value was added
  • Fixed: A PHP warning for missing constant if WordPress version requirement was not met

v1.0.44.1 kesäkuu 17, 2020

  • Added: In the WPML config file, added Breadcrumb’s homepage link option
  • Improved: Hardened security further. Props to Tanner Hodges
  • Fixed: An issue with the Resepti-schema where the Recipe Instructions field was not respecting the line breaks upon saving a post
  • Fixed: The Primary Category feature was not working properly when someone changed the default category in the WooCommerce
  • Fixed: The TOC test was failing on multisite installations when a plugin was activated on the entire network
  • Fixed: A problem where the custom rewrites were not displaying correctly inside the Canonical URL field in the backend. Though, it was working fine for the search engines
  • Removed: The sourceMap comments from the CSS files so users won’t get 404 warnings on their site
🇫🇮 Suomi