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SEO para un nuevo sitio web: 10 sencillos pasos

You’re beginning the journey of creating a brand-new website. You have big dreams for it, including ranking high in Google search results.

But here’s the thing: achieving that top spot on the first page of Google doesn’t happen by chance. It requires strategic planning and careful execution of SEO techniques right from the get-go.

In this post, we’ll discuss how you can do SEO for a new website.

We’ll provide easy-to-follow instructions to help you optimize a new website, from conducting keyword research to optimizing your website’s structure and content.

Entonces, sin más preámbulos, comencemos.

Starting Fresh? SEO Tips for New Websites
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Página de inicio SEO: Cómo crear una página de inicio compatible con SEO

Having a strong online presence is a necessity for businesses of all sizes.

And at the heart of that presence lies your homepage. But simply having a homepage isn’t enough; you need to ensure it’s optimized for search engines to drive traffic. That’s where homepage SEO comes in.

Homepage SEO Makeover: Tips for Better Rankings

In this post, we’ll discuss the steps to create an SEO-friendly homepage that attracts visitors and ranks well on search engine results pages (SERPs).

From creating compelling content to optimizing metadata and improving site structure, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make your homepage a powerful tool for attracting organic traffic.

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Cómo arreglar fácilmente un panel de WordPress de carga lenta

A slow-loading WordPress dashboard can be more than just an inconvenience; it can hamper productivity, and potentially harm your online presence.

Various factors can contribute to slow loading times in the WordPress dashboard, ranging from server limitations and bloated plugins to inefficient database queries and poor frontend performance.

Understanding and addressing these issues is essential to restore the dashboard’s speed and agility, thereby enhancing your overall WordPress experience.

In this post, we’ll show you how to fix a slow-loading WordPress dashboard. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

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Cómo crear una página personalizada en WordPress

Are you interested in creating a custom page template for your WordPress site?

Do you want your template to stand out from the rest of your pages? Is it possible to achieve this even without coding?

Building websites with WordPress is often considered a simple process. Install a theme, adjust the content to your liking, and your site is ready to go live!

Using pre-designed templates simplifies the process— swap out the default text and images with your own, and you’re set.

But what if you need to change the layout for a specific page? What if you have a unique design in mind that doesn’t fit the default template?

Luckily, WordPress offers the flexibility to create custom page layouts. These can be used for individual pages or as templates for multiple ones.

The best part? You don’t need to be fluent in HTML, CSS, or PHP!

So, how exactly can you create a custom page in WordPress? Let’s find out.

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Los 21 mejores complementos de WooCommerce para su tienda en línea

In e-commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success.

As you strive to provide amazing shopping experiences and maximize revenue, the role of plugins in platforms like WooCommerce has become increasingly important.

However, using the right plugins is necessary to unlock its true potential.

In this post, we’ll discuss the best WooCommerce plugins for your online store. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

Los 21 mejores complementos de WooCommerce para potenciar su tienda en línea
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