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What is Universal Search?

Bei der universellen Suche handelt es sich um die Fähigkeit einer Suchmaschine, neben den regulären textbasierten 10 blauen Links auch Bilder, Videos, Nachrichten, Karten, Bücher, Rich Snippets, Knowledge Panels und andere Inhaltstypen in die Suchergebnisse einzubeziehen.

For example, a Google search for yoga poses would retrieve results in multiple formats.

Example of a universal search results page

Universal search allows a search engine to deliver results that satisfy the searcher’s intent. At the same time, it makes it easier for the searcher to access the information they need. 

Google introduced Universal Search in 2007. In the documentation, Google announced that Universal Search is intended to provide the searcher with multiple results types on a single search results page.

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