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What is a Meta Title?

A meta title (SEO title or title tag) is the headline that appears on the browser tab and search results pages. It is important because it helps search engines understand your content and encourages searchers to click on your content in the search results.

The meta title is specified using the title <title> element and is placed in the <head> tag of the website code. 

  <title>Understanding HTML Elements: A Comprehensive Guide</title>

The meta title is not displayed on the website’s front end. Instead, it displays as a tooltip when you hover over the browser tab. It is visible as the clickable title on search results pages

Sample of the meta title on search results pages

Difference Between the Meta Title and Heading

It is important to note that the meta title differs from the page heading. As previously mentioned, the meta title only displays on search result pages and in the browser tab. It is specified using the title tag.

The page heading, on the other hand, is the headline displayed on the webpage. It is specified using the H1 tag <h1>. While the meta title and page heading are usually the same, they are set up differently and can be different. 

Post or Page Title

How Google Selects the Headline on Search Results Pages

Google calls the title on its search results pages the title link. While you can recommend a meta title to Google using the <title> tag, Google can select other text from your content and display it as your title link. In 87% of cases, Google uses the page title specified using the title tag as the title link.

How to View the Meta Title on a Webpage

To view the meta title on a webpage, hover over any blank area on the webpage and right-click. Then click Afficher la source de la page. (The exact wording may differ depending on the browser.)

Click View Page Source

Once done, enter <title> into the search bar. The meta title will be highlighted in the source code, as shown below.

Sample of the title tag highlighted on a webpage

How to Add the Meta Title to a Webpage

You can add your meta title to your webpage using Rank Math. To do that, head to the post or page and click the Rank Math SEO icône.

Cliquez sur l'icône Rank Math SEO

Ensuite, cliquez sur Modifier l'extrait.

Click Edit snippet

Then, enter your meta title into the Title field, as shown below.

Enter your meta title into the title field

You can also configure Rank Math to create your meta titles automatically. To do that, head to Tableau de bord WordPress Rank Math SEO Titres et méta.

Head to Titles & Meta

Next, select Des postes ou pages.

Select Posts or pages

Now, enter your meta title style. You can enter words or use variables. You can refer to this guide on the variables available for your meta titles.

Enter your meta title style

Once done, scroll down and click Sauvegarder les modifications.

Scroll down and click Save Changes

Meta Title Best Practices

The meta title is crucial for bloggers looking to rank on search results pages. However, it may become ineffective or even harm your SEO if done incorrectly. To avoid this, follow the SEO best practices listed below.

1 Use Between 50-60 Characters

Google will shorten your meta title if it is too long. This may prevent visitors from seeing important parts of your title. So, keep it between 50 and 60 words to reduce the chances of Google shortening it. 

2 Be Specific, Concise, and Descriptive

Your meta title should be descriptive, specific, and concise. It should be intelligible to humans and search engines and clearly inform them about what to expect on the webpage.

3 Include Your Focus Keyword

It is good SEO practice to include your focus keyword in your meta title. This improves your chances of ranking for the keyword on search results pages. However, you should ensure to add the keyword naturally and avoid keyword stuffing

4 Include Power Words

Power words are keywords that trigger an emotional or psychological response in the visitor. They include words like free, best, discover, and save. However, you should only include it in your title when possible. 

5 Make Sure It is Related to Your Content

The meta title must clearly define the content on your site. If it doesn’t, then it becomes clickbait, which will hurt your user experience.

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