v1.0.27.3 kesäkuu 24, 2019
- Fixed ‘500 error’ appearing on some installations after updating the plugin settings
v1.0.27.2 kesäkuu 23, 2019
- Added offload images and third-party libraries in the plugin
- Improved sanitization throughout the plugin
- Fixed an error in the contact Shortcode when the time was added in a string format
v1.0.27.1 kesäkuu 21, 2019
- Fixed Product page showing ‘Page not found error’ when Remove base option is enabled
- Fixed security issue related to Rank Math Settings for logged in users
- Fixed exclude posts option not working in the Sitemap
v1.0.27 kesäkuu 18, 2019
- Added a filter to show Meta Keywords tag to the Search Engines like Yandex
- Added some important security fixes
- Added more improvements to how the SEO Analyzer works inside the plugin
- Enhanced the output of the Rich Snippet’s Shortcode showing the formatted date
- Improved the comments to make them more meaningful
- Fixed an issue with the Breadcrumbs not showing the primary category on the product pages
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the Indexing API plugin and Rank Math
- Fixed an issue where product categories were showing 404 when Remove Category Base option was enabled
- Fixed the problem with the categories date variables not working correctly in the settings fields
- Fixed a conflict with WooCommerce One Page checkout plugin
- Fixed an issue where the feeds were not updating when the WooCommerce module was activated
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the Ultra theme, not showing the text editor
- Fixed an issue where the Search Console Box was appearing for all the users in the dashboard
- Fixed a problem in the SEO Analysis where missing ‘Focus Keyword in Title’ test wasn’t working as intended
- Prepared the plugin for upcoming updates related to Gutenberg’s compatibility
v1.0.26 kesäkuu 6, 2019
- Added new variables to display custom taxonomies term in the post title & description fields
- Improved the Review Schema options to honor decimals in the score
- Improved SEO Analysis to detect external Sitemaps
- Improved detection of title & description tags on the backend by adding proper sanitization
- Improved the cron job related to the Search Console’s data not updating regularly. It should be working fine now
- Fixed a compatibility issue with ESSB plugin
- Fixed an issue with the SEO Analyzer throwing errors on old installations
- Fixed bulk edit options not working since the last version
- Fixed insecure warning appearing due to one HTTP call in the plugin
- Fixed bulk delete option not working in the 404 Monitor
- Fixed an issue with the AMP plugin printing the Schema Markup twice
- Fixed a problem with emojis not displaying in the Meta description settings in the plugin’s settings page