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What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 oder Web3 ist eine Vision für die nächste Generation des Internets, die sich auf die Dezentralisierung der Datenspeicherung, bessere Datenschutzkontrollen und den Besitz der Daten konzentriert.

This third generation of the internet is currently under development and most of today’s sites are still classified as Web 2.0. While the data and content of Web 2.0 sites are stored on servers owned by the top tech companies, Web 3.0 sites will use blockchain technology to store data on decentralized servers, just as it’s being done with cryptocurrencies. 

Supporters of Web 3.0 claim decentralizing the internet will improve privacy, give users more control over their data, and take data out of the hands of the big tech companies, which currently control the majority of our data. 

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